Singleton Morsing posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago
Rami Beracha writes about the world of venture capital. Rami is Co-Founder of Sosa.
Communication is a major problem. It’s a minefield that we’ve made. It’s a matter of moments after the first contact and then ends with an incredible explosion…
The biggest error we make is that, for no good reason, we almost always assume complete alignment in both sides’ expectations without trying to discern our partner’s mind to understand what his expectations of us. One aspect, however, which we are in total accord with our partner in the other hand – he never misses an opportunity to expand this expectation gap …. There isn’t anyone out there to alert us of the coming clash.
There are a variety of reasons that lead to communication issues, and the majority of them have to do with our personalities. Squared personalities are more likely than liberal individuals to be misinformed, while individuals who are aggressive may have difficulty aligning expectations with passive. But this is easy to recognize – we know that liberal is squared, and aggressive from passive.
However, they might not even realize they’re so different. There is a chance that there is a personality gap, which we do not know about. It is not something that anyone has investigated or warned about, nor discovered. !
Rami Beracha
Let me introduce you ladies and gentlemen, to the new type of personality that we all share: the FULL CIRCLE personalities in contrast to the half-circular personalities. !
Rami Beracha
Be aware that this is not a form of the guidance for your behavior. After you have read the analysis, try to figure out which persona best represents your personality. At the same time you should determine who your partner in real life. If you discover that you are of different kinds – as Bono sings “we are one however we’re not the same” – then you should be very happy because you may have just discovered the cause of many of your differences! If you’re on the other side you’re similar to one another I’m sorry, but I’m unable to help you comprehend why your relationships are the same thing…
Let’s start…
Rami Beracha
Two categories of human beings can be described as human. Some of us are the ‘full-circle’ types, a self-contained person that finds it easy to be alone. He does need an accomplice, yes, there is a need for a partner and yes, he’s on a continuous search of the right partner. Absolutely! All true … But, he can’t live without his dream partner until he can find one. When he finds the person of his dreams He wants to live his life shoulder-to-shoulder with his – hopefully full circle of a partner.
The other group is the “half-acircle” kinds. When they find the miserable animal, they DO NOT LET GO! They’ll move to physically integrate with their victim to form a happy circle… and do not allow them to experience the dreadful reality of living shoulder-to-shoulder! The Halves will not compromise on anything less than starring one at the other from a zero distance for the rest of their lives. It’s impossible for them to feel more intimate than that.
The decision to let go of someone is an everyday occurrence. The complete circle will usually be quick to let go of a partner they have lost chemistry. On the other hand, half-circles will alter the definition of chemistry between couples to mean “I hold onto this B..ST..RD., until I am able to replace him with an upgrade.”
Imagine the incredible dance that occurs that occurs when a “half circle”, and a ‘full-circle”, are trying to create one another, without being aware of their distinct geometrical shapes. The Half smiles and makes two steps in the direction of. The Full considers this unwanted invasion slightly scary. So he fixes this zone-invasion-problem by making a gentle step backward. However, by the fact that he pushed the Half out of his comfort zone. When …. The Half is certain that the Full was making an innocent mistake. When he take a step to make up for it with a step forward. However, the Full starts to get angry and make another, bigger step to the back.. the Half begins to realize that there is nothing innocent regarding what’s happening in this situation and his next step isn’t exactly gentle.. the Full.. the Half.. the Half and the Full both are angry at the other. The Half and the Full know why but lack proper terms. They’re unable to adequately explain their anguish so they look for the wrong things. It could have saved their lives if they had known the difference between Half and Full.
While there isn’t any one conclusion, there are several ways to go about it.
Rami Beracha
1. Find out more about who you are.
2. Learn who your partner is
3. Be aware of the difference.
3. Respect that distinction!
One of the conclusions is to live and enjoy life.