Singleton Morsing posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago
This is the blog of Rami Beracha about venture capital world. Rami is also the Co-Founder of Sosa.
It’s a major issue when people misunderstand. It’s a minefield we have created. It begins just a second after the first contact with another person and ends with a spectacular explosion…
Rami Beracha
The biggest error we make is that, for no reason at all, we always assume complete alignment in both sides’ expectations without even trying to get our partner’s brain to figure out what his expectations of us are. There’s one aspect, however, which we are in total accord with our partner in – he also doesn’t miss an opportunity to expand the gap between expectations. …. There’s no one out there to alert us of the coming conflict.
Rami Beracha
There are many causes of miscommunications. They are usually related to our personalities. People who are square are more likely to not to communicate well with liberal people. Aggressive personalities may find it difficult to align expectations with passive personalities. This is easy to recognize – everyone knows the difference between the liberal, and passive from the aggressive.
What is the likelihood that they’re so different, but they do not realize it. Imagine that there is a kind of personality gap that exists but that we are not aware of. No one has ever discovered it and warned of it, or investigated it…NOT even EVER FREUD! !
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to a different type of personality that we all have: the FULL CIRCLE versus the HALLF CIRCLE personalities! !
Note: A behavioral guideline as you read the following analysis, attempt to determine which of the two personalities describe you best as well as try to figure out the person who your life partner is. If you find that you’re two different people – as Bono sings, “we can be one but not exactly the same” If you do, then you ought to be extremely happy because you may have identified the root-cause behind the differences between you. If you’re the opposite type I’m sorry to not help you understand the reasons your relationships look like crap.
Rami Beracha
We are now…
Two categories of human beings can be described as human. There are those who are “full-circle’ that is an independent person who feels completely at home by himself. It is true that he may need an accomplice. Absolutely! It’s all true! … He is still able to survive without the perfect partner. Once he has found the right person then he’ll be able to enjoy his life with his full circle partner.
Rami Beracha
The other aspect of humanity is made up of “half-a-circle” kinds that are (no it’s not full circles that were damaged during the delivery) – … Yes they require an accomplice They want to find a partner very badly, and indeed, they are in constant, almost religious, search to find a suitable partner… and , yes, it’s as important as matters of national security that they locate their ideal partner as they simply cannot survive without one. Once they’ve found the miserable animal, they will not give up! In order to make one joyful circle, they be able to almost join their victims… But don’t allow them to do this absurdity of living side by side! The Halves will not accept anything less than looking at one another from a distance for the rest. Nothing less intimate will satisfy their urge to integrate with one another and form a whole.
One of the most fascinating observations between types is how they decide to leave their partner. The full circle will naturally be able to let go of a partner he lost his chemistry with. Half-circles, on the other hand will redefine the meaning of having mutual chemistry with their partner’ to be – ‘im hanging on to this B..ST..RD, , until I can safely replace him with an appropriate upgrade’.
Imagine the fantastic dance that happens when the “half” and “full” circle try to make each other their counterparts. They’re unaware of their differences. The Half takes two leaps forward, far away from the safety zone of his Full who finds the sudden intrusion into his personal space too scary. So he fixes this zone-invasion-problem by making a gentle step backward. The issue is that he did this by taking the Half out of his comfort zone . When the Half thinks that the Full made an error that was not his fault and responded with a step forward the Half begins to become irritated and takes another step backwards.. The Full.. Half.. and the Half are both a bit off. Both are aware of the reason, but they lack proper terms. They aren’t able to properly express their anguish so they look for the wrong thing. If they had known that one half is a Half and the other is Full it could have helped them …
Although there isn’t a single conclusion, there are some steps you can adopt.
1. Find out who you are
2. Find out more about your friend
3. There is a distinction.
3. Respect different opinions!
One conclusion can be drawn”Live and let live..