• You might remember that a prime number is a positive integer that has exactly two positive integer factors, 1 and the number itself. This one wasn’t exactly caused by a bra, but the woman’s undergarment certainly didn’t help the situation for two ladies in London, England, in 1999. These two friends were walking through Hyde Park one day when a…[Read more]

  • The DP might give specific instructions on filters and where rigs and meters need to go, or the directions might be more general — which is where the gaffer’s creativity and judgment come in. But to buy a CryptoKitty, you first need an online cryptocurrency wallet. David had his first named children in the city of Hebron. It’s named after James N…[Read more]

  • Blink-182 are back, they’re playing in a huge venue near you next year, and they’ll road test some new tunes. When you type it into a browser, it redirects to the official Blink-182 website. 카지노추천 Yesterday, 12:33 pm by noucamp99: The official website of manchester united football club, with team news, live match updates, player profiles, mer…[Read more]

  • Jackson played 38 game in four seasons until hip surgery forced him out of football. When the NFL season kicks off in September 2019, it will mark the 100th year of professional football. When the school year starts, things get complicated. Strange Fruit” in a teachers union publication and later composed it into a song, which he passed along to a…[Read more]

  • Join Rob, Marisa, Randy, and Jesse as we navigate our old teenage-ish selves who first heard these albums, and figure out why (or if) they mean much to us today. So (back in the fall) Marisa, Sara, Randy, Rob, and Jesse got together to discuss how it’s weathered the years since then, because the plan keeps coming up again. It’s always i…[Read more]

  • McKenzie Gravesen became a registered member 2 years, 3 months ago