Bjerg Stilling posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago
Rami Beracha has started this blog to talk about the business of venture capital. Rami is the co-founder and CEO at Sosa.
רמי ברכה
Communication is a huge issue. It’s a hazard we’ve created. It is triggered just a second after coming into contact with another person, and ends with an amazing explosion…
Our biggest error is when we believe that there is complete agreement in our expectations and do not even try to understand the expectations of our partner. There is however one thing that we almost always agree on: he doesn’t miss the chance ….to widen the expectation gap There is no one to warn us of the upcoming conflict.
There are many possible sources of miscommunications. The majority of them are caused by the differences in our personalities. People with square personalities are more likely not to communicate with liberal personalities. Aggressive personalities will be unable to reconcile their expectations with the expectations of passive people. This is easy to recognize – everyone knows squared from liberal and passive from aggressive.
Rami Beracha
What if they’re completely different? They’ll never realize it. Consider if there’s a personality gap. It’s never been discovered or reported on or studied by anyone. !
Ladies and gentlemen! I’d like to present to you a brand-new personality kind that we all have in common. The characters of the FULL CIRCLE differ from the half CLIRCLE types. !
Note – This is the guidance for your behavior. After you’ve read the analysis, try and figure out which persona best represents your personality. Also, try to figure which person your companion in real life is. If you realize that you’re of two different types – as the Bono sings “we are one however we’re not the same” You should be thrilled because you may have just discovered the reason behind the differences between you! If you’re in the same category as me, I’m sorry to say that I’m unable to assist you in understanding why your relationships are to be so poor.
We are now…
Rami Beracha
There are two kinds of human beings human beings. Some people are ‘full-circle’ who are a self-contained person who is completely at home all by himself. Sure, he needs an accomplice. Absolutely! all true! … But, he’ll be able to survive without a dream partner until he gets it. He will continue to live his life side by side with his partner until they find one.
The “half of a circle” individuals on the opposite side need a partner. And once they have found the terrible creature, they do not let them go! To form a joyful circle, they will nearly join with their victim… but don’t allow them to do this bullshit of living side-by-side! The Halves will never compromise their affection for one another. They will stare at each with the same gaze from a distance for the rest. Only intimacy can satisfy their need to connect with each other and make one whole.
One interesting distinction between these types is the choice to end a relationship. The full circle is likely to be able to let go of an individual he no longer has the chemistry of. Half-circles on the other side will redefine the concept of ‘having an chemistry’ with their partner to mean: ‘I’m holding onto this B..ST..RD. until I am able to replace him correctly’.
Imagine the fantastic dance that takes place when the “half” and “full” circle attempt to be their partners. They’re not aware of their distinctions. The Half takes two leaps forward, far from the comfort space of the Full who finds the sudden intrusion into his personal space a little too terrifying. So he fixes this zone-invasion-problem by making a gentle step backward. The problem is that he stepped out half of his comfort zone …. and as the Half was sure the Full had made an error that was innocent, the Half begins getting annoyed and makes another step forward. They are unable to describe their feelings and have no idea why. They could have saved their own lives by being aware that one is Half and the other is Full.
While there’s no one solution, there are some steps you can take.
1. Find out more about who you are
2. Learn who your partner is
3. There is a difference.
3. Respect the differences!
רמי ברכה
Let’s just say that there’s only one way to go: Live and let be.