Hughes Brogaard posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago
As with UniCC, Ferum Shop serves as a card store and a market for financial assets. It offers financial categories such as Bank Logins, Salary Accounts, Credit Cards, Dumps, and Live Offers. Market browsing requires a minimum deposit of $5. If you haven’t deposited yet, you won’t be able to see any offers. On the right side of this article, you will find the onion link for Ferum Shop if the market site is up.
There are a wide variety of sellers on Ferum Shop, even though it does not offer huge dumps like Jokers Stash does. Datasets include card number, expiration date, full name, and CVV of the card. Also available through Ferum are unique full datasets such as pin numbers for ATM withdrawals. A premium offer may have a higher price than a dataset without a pin, but the payoff can be greatly worth it.
Site information
Ferum is a credit card and dump market that you can also find on the clearnet as well as the darknet. Tor Browsers are not required to access this website, but you are welcome to do so without them. You should however use a dedicated system, which can be easily wiped (for more information, please refer to the section security recommendations).
Buying recommendations
Our recommendation is to pick your dataset carefully if you need complete information including the PIN (fullz): These datasets do not only contain the cardholder’s full name but also the zip code and sometimes full address. Thus, you can look for zip codes correlated with high income to ensure that your card limits are high.
Nevertheless, you should always pay attention to which vendors you trust on any darknet market site. Several red flags indicate that you should be very cautious or avoid a vendor: a new account with few sales, as well as an offer that seems too good to be true. Compared to similar offers, you should always compare prices, and never buy data from vendors selling it for a low price, as it is most likely a scam.
Security Recommendations
There are standard security recommendations for all darknet market sites. First and foremost, stay anonymous. Do not use the TOR browser for regular (non-darknet) browsing. If possible, you should have a dedicated system or at least a dedicated virtual machine for all your darknet activities. Make sure your darknet PGP keys and other credentials are restricted to that system only. Do not mix them with anything that could compromise your privacy.
You should treat your dedicated system as if it were a workstation: Only install the software required for your operations; don’t install anything for entertainment. Consequently, don’t waste downtime on Twitter, Reddit, or any other social media site. In this case, always use your regular system.
Hydra market protects you from vendors and buyers outside of its market if you communicate with them outside. No matter how trivial your communication, be sure to encrypt it. It not only decreases the risk, but establishes a habit of doing it.
We recommend running Tails or Whonix on your dedicated darknet machine for additional security. As an additional security measure, we recommend using a VPN since TOR will only anonymize browsing sessions, not other traffic.
As a rule, whenever you access the Internet through a public WiFi hotspot, you should always use a VPN since you never know whether the access point has been compromised. The VPN will always encrypt all of your traffic, regardless of what application you are using, so that you are protected from eavesdropping and identity theft.
Ferum Shop Summary
One of your go-to sites for quick access to financial data should be Ferum Shop. The fact that it has more vendors than most other marketplaces makes it one of the cheapest. Besides offering credit card data with full PINs, this site is one of the few that allows you to use a card writer to enter credit card data on a blank card and withdraw cash from an ATM. It’s always a good idea to use trusted links when visiting any darknet market, such as the onion link on the top right of Ferum Shop.
Fe shop new domain
Fe shop
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