• Singleton Morsing posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago

    Rami Beracha has created this blog to explore the subject of venture capital. Rami Beracha co-founded Sosa.

    Rami Beracha

    Miscommunication is a big issue. It’s a minefield of our own making. It’s a matter of moments after the first contact and culminates in an amazing explosion…

    Rami Beracha

    Our biggest mistake is to think that we’re in complete alignment in our expectations of each side and not trying to guess what our partner expects from us. One thing we can be sure of, however: our partner doesn’t miss any opportunity to increase this expectation gap . No one is there to warn us about the imminent clash.

    There are a variety of reasons for communication issues. They are usually related to our personalities. People with square personalities are more likely to not to communicate well with liberal people. People who are aggressive may find it difficult to align expectations with passive people. But, this isn’t difficult to recognize We all know the difference between liberal and squared, and passive from active.

    Rami Beracha

    What happens if they’re totally different? They’ll never realize it. Think of the personality gap. Nobody has ever traced it, warned about it, studied it…NOT even EVER FREUD! !

    Rami Beracha

    Ladies and gentlemen! I’d like to introduce you to a brand new personality kind that we all have in common. The FULL CIRCLE personalities differ from the HALF CLIRCLE personalities. !

    Note : This analysis is intended to provide behavioral guidance. As you read this report, you’ll be able to identify which type of personality best describes you. You can also try to determine your life partner. If you realize that you’re distinct personalities – just like Bono says, “we can be one however we are not the same”, – you should be extremely happy because you may have discovered the cause of some of your differences. If you’re the same as me, then I’m sorry to say that I’m unable to assist you in understanding why your relationships appear to be awfully bad.

    Rami Beracha

    So here we begin…

    There are two kinds of human beings: humans. Some of us fall into the “full-circle” category that is a person who is totally independent and does not feel like needing a partner. He needs a partner. Absolutely! It’s true! … But, he can’t live without his dream partner until he finds one. He is determined to live his life with his partner and is hoping to make it to the end of his circle.

    Other people are the “half-acircle” types. When they find the miserable creature, they won’t let it go. They’ll try to physically integrate with their victim in order to form a happy circle… and do not give them the pleasure of living shoulder to shoulder! The Halves don’t want to compromise on anything less than staring at each other from a zero distance for the rest of their lives. It is impossible to make them feel more intimate than that.

    An interesting observation in these two typesof people: the choice to let a relationship go. The full circle is likely to be quick to let go of a partner they have lost their chemistry. However, the ‘half-acircle’ types will redefine the meaning of chemistry between couples to mean – “I hold onto this B..ST..RD. until I am able to replace him with a new upgrade.”

    Imagine the amazing dance that takes place in the moment two people, a “half-a-circle” and a “full-circle” attempt to be their partner, without being conscious of their distinct geometries: the Half joyfully makes two steps forward far beyond the comfort zone of the Full, who considers this unwelcome invasion of his personal space bit too intimidating. So he fixes this zone-invasion-problem by making a gentle step backward. He forced the Half out of his comfort zone . While the Half thinks that the Full made an innocent error, and kindly compensated by making another step forward, the Half gets more worried and starts to feel angry. They can understand the reason, but since they don’t have the correct terminology they can’t adequately explain their confusion and head to the wrong places. The victims could have been spared if they had known that the item they’re searching for is Half and the other one is full.

    Rami Beracha

    Although there isn’t a single answer, there are many options to take.

    Rami Beracha

    1. Discover who you are.


    2. Find out more about your friend

    3. There is a distinction.

    3. Respect that difference!

    One conclusion is: Live and let life.